Al-Khoirot Institute of Islamic Studies, Malang, ID. WA: 0822-2667-4747


Blogger Indonesia of the Week (74): Indrani

Blogger Indonesia of the Week (74): Indrani

The most romantic couple blogger. The couple, Indi and Rani, are writing continuously and regularly from everywhere they are travelling. Arguably the most passionate Indonesian blogger I have ever seen. And the first non-expert blogger whose one of their pieces in the blog appeared in the Jakarta Post newspaper. The couple’s blog is still alive at although the last update was 23/07/2010 that is four years ago fron now (November 2014)

In their response to this review they said: “Thank you A. Fatih Syuhud for having selected us (Indi + Rani) as blogger(s) of the week!

To A Fatih Syuhud, we apologize that we write this linkback a bit late, because we’ve been occupied with things that diverted our attention from blogging these past few weeks.”

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