Al-Khoirot Institute of Islamic Studies, Malang, ID. WA: 0822-2667-4747


Police Officers Blog

Police Officers Blog

Blogging seems to be spreading its “pendemic” into an alien territory that so far more known for its secrecy: the Police departments. How many police officers or police departments in the world have their own blog? Not much. According to an Indian local newspaper, only three police departments start blogging; two in the US and one in India.

The Boston Police Departments started its blog at November 2005, so it deserves to claim as the first blog by any police dept. anywhere in the world which was then followed eleven days after by Dakshina Kannada District Police in Mangalore, India. And Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) blog comes third.

Wonder, if some Indonesian police departments have any willingness to follow their counterparts in those other parts of the world? Considering the not-so-good image (to say the least) of our police officers, the blog initiative might help them to look more humane…

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