Al-Khoirot Institute of Islamic Studies, Malang, ID. WA: 0822-2667-4747


Blogger Indonesia of the Week (72): Supriyadi Slamet Widodo

Blogger Indonesia of the Week (72): Supriyadi Slamet Widodo

supriyadi swSo far as blogging software platform goes, particularly for self-hosted blog/website, wordpress undoubtedly stands out among the rest. Matt Mullenweg, the young humble whizzkid wordpress founder (he created the software at the age of 19, four years ago.), must be very happy with this. He deserves to be.

One and most important reason for wordpress outstanding popularity is its opennes to plugins from anyone. Thus, coders aournd the world compete to create their most creative and innovative plugins and hence a bunch of very useful plugins flooded the wordpress world for everyone to use.

Among those outstanding wordpress plugins developers are an Indonesian named Supriyadi Slamet Widodo. “I was born in Klaten City and now I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. I work at Nokia Siemens Network since April 1, 2007 as OAM IN Engineer for Telkomsel Project,” says he in his self-introductory remarks.He tells us further about what kind of plugins he has already created:

I have contributed to community with my several projects, eg. Gaim NuoveXT Icon Theme, AdSense Beautifier, Krakal WordPress Theme, AdSense Click Tracker Plugin for WordPress, Hot Dates Plugin for WordPress, Statcounter Plugin for WordPress Admin, Statcounter Module for Drupal, Gaim Guifications OSX Theme, and many more.

One of his wordpress plugins, AdSense Beautifier, seems to be the most popular. Pchere of Quick Online Tips, places his Adsense Beautifier plugins at the top ten Adsense plugins.

Despite some controversies regarding the newly-updated AdSense new regulation in which images are no longer allowed to appear side by side with AdSense ads, the fact remains that his wordpress plugins has attracted so much attention worldwide. The lesson learnt for other Indonesian coders: (1) Try to contribute to ever-growing wordpress plugins; and (2) no less important, blog it in English.

I, indeed we, should be proud of him. Internet world has made everyone a chance to contribute to the world and make one known in his/her own way. Of course on one condition: if you write what you want the world to know in English. Supriyadi does just that.

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