Biography of Ahmad Fatih Syuhud
A. Fatih Syuhud is the Chairman of Pondok Pesantren Al-Khoirot Malang, or Al-Khoirot Institute of Islamic Studies (Arabic: معهد الخيرات للدراسات الإسلامية). Apart from that, he is also known as a prolific writers of many books with various topics including Islam, education, foreign languages, family, politics and history and Islamic jurisprudence.
His writings on Islam, education, pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), and politics have been featured in numerous national and regional print media outlets such as Kompas, Republika, Media Indonesia, and Jawa Pos, among others. Particularly, during his study of Political Science in Agra University, India. However, after returning to Indonesia, he’s focused more on authoring books. He has written 29 books up till now, covering various topics, including journalism, Islamic education, Islamic creed and movements, and family life, etc.
Fatih Syuhud is also known for his online religious consultation services called Konsultasi Syariah Islam Al-Khoirot (KSIA) which has gained many people from Malay and Indonesian speaking muslim asked him many questions regarding Islamic law from various perspective of schools of thoughts. All questions and answers can be accessed online in alkhoirot.net and islamiy.com
His academic pursuits took him to Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama in Lucknow, India, where he studied from 1995 to 1998, focusing on Shariah and Ushuluddin. This education has influenced his work, providing a deep understanding of Islamic teachings and their application in contemporary contexts. During his stay in India, he took master program both in Islamic Studies and Political Science before finally doing a Ph.D in Islamic Studies in Jamia Millia University (JMI) New Delhi. He also has a bachelor degree in Law in Lamongan, Indonesia, before leaving Indonesia to further his study in India for 12 years.
His involvement in blogging has also made him a significant figure in promoting Indonesian culture and issues internationally, particularly through English blogging, earning him accolades like being dubbed “Dubes Blogger Indonesia” or Ambassador of Indonesian Blogger by Tempo magazine.
About the image: Ahmad Fatih Syuhud with Dr. KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf, Chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama. Mr. Yahya appears to hold Fatih Syuhud’s book entitled “Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah: Islam Wasathiyah, Tasamuh, Cinta Damai (Al Khoirot Research and Publication, Revised edition, 2024, 637 pages).
Table of Content
Books Authored by A. Fatih Syuhud
Since coming back from 12 years of my “hide-out” in India on February 2007, A. Fatih Syuhud starts writing books. So far, Here are books which he has written so far: Snippet for these book are here.
- Santri, Pesantren dan Tantangan Pendidikan Islam (2008)
- Tip Menulis di Media Massa (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2008)
- Wanita Shalihah, Wanita Modern (2009)
- Pribadi Akhlakul Karimah (2010)
- Pendidikan Islam: Cara Mendidik Anak Saleh, Smart dan Pekerja Keras (2011)
- Dasar-dasar Jurnalistik: Cara Mudah Menulis, Membuat Buletin dan Mading (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2012)
- Menuju Kebangkitan Islam dengan Pendidikan (2012)
- Keluarga Sakinah: : Cara membina rumah tangga harmonis, bahagia dan berkualitas (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2013)
- Merajut Rumah Tangga Bahagia (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2014)
- Meneladani Akhlak Rasul dan Para Sahabat (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2015)
- Bahasa Arab Modern bagi Pemula (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2016)
- Percakapan Bahasa Arab Modern (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2016)
- Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah: Wasatiyah, Tasamuh, Cinta Damai (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2017)
- Pedoman Guru Bahasa Arab: Cara mengajar Bahasa Arab berdasarkan Klasifikasi Santri dan Target Pencapaian (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2017)
- Hukum Waris Islam: Cara Mudah Memahami Ilmu Faraidh (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2018)
- Kumpulan Doa, Dzikir dan Sholawat (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2018)
- Bahasa Arab Media: Televisi, Cetak dan Online (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2018)
- Terjemah Matan Ajurumiyah (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2019)
- Islam dan Politik: Sistem Khilafah dan Realitas Dunia Islam (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2019)
- Cara Membaca Kitab Kuning (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2020)
- Pedoman Guru Bahasa Inggris tingkat SLTP dan SLTA (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2020)
- Percakapan Bahasa Arab 2 dan Cara Menulis Diary (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2021)
- Ilmu Nahwu Praktis dan Terjemah Imrithi (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2022)
- Amaliah Aswaja Nahdliyah: Dalil syar’i tradisi Nahdliyin (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2023)
- Bahasa Arab Modern dan Amiyah Arab Saudi bagi Pemula: Percakapan, Membaca dan Menulis (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2023)
- Jihad Keluarga: Cara membina rumah tangga sukses dunia akhirat (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2023)
- Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah: Islam Wasathiyah, Tasamuh, Cinta Damai (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, Edisi Revisi, 2024)
- Panduan Guru Madrasah Diniyah: Cara Sukses Mengajar Santri Madin (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, 2024)
- Bahara Arab Amiyah Saudi untuk Jamaah Haji dan Umrah (Pustaka Al-Khoirot, Desember 2024)
- Religion, Culture and Society: an Indonesian Citizen Notes as a Minority
- ِPesantren Al-Khoirot: Sejarah, Nilai dan Visinya untuk Kemanusiaan
- Dakwah Tematik
- Dosa Besar Kaum Santri: Mudah Percaya Hoaks
- Jihad Pendidikan: Satu Jalan Menuju Kemuliaan dan Kesuksesan Dunia Akhirat
- Meneladani Akhlak Rasul dan Salafus Salih (Edisi Revisi dari Meneladani Akhlak Rasul dan Para Sahabat)
- Bahasa Arab Amiyah Saudi untuk Jamaah Haji dan Umrah
- Pembelian versi digital dapat dilakukan melalui link-link di atas.
- Pembelian versi cetak dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara:
- Melalui toko buku Toga Mas untuk kawasan Jawa Timur dan Yogyakarta (harga sedikit lebih mahal).
- Langsung ke penerbit. Silahkan pesan via WA ke: 0815-5325-6855
- Yang lokasinya dekat pesantren dapat langsung mendapatkan di toko-toko sekitar pesantren.
All books written by A. Fatih Syuhud are published by Pustaka Alkhoirot | Al-Khoirot Research and Publication. An institution for research and publishing Islamic books under the institution of the Pondok Pesantren Al-Khoirot Malang.
All books I have published are written in Bahasa Indonesia. I also have a plan to write books in English or at least translated the books I’ve written above into English.
I will keep on writing books as much as I can in the years ahead. Writing books to me is one pinnacle, among other destinations I’d like to attain, in terms of intellectual achievement. With books one writes, one may share whatever one wants to share with others forever even after one lasts his breath. To me, there’s no treasure more valuable other than books you’ve written.
I also urge people with intellectual capacity, i.e. those who have finished at least their bachelor degree, to write a book or two as a everlasting treasure for the generations to come.
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Oh one more thing, you may consider this page as my personal intro and make the comment box below as an intro for you and your blog URL. It’s ok just to say “Hi!” along with the link of your blog. :)
A. Fatih Syuhud is married and has four children, each named Ahmad Farzan Esfandiar Syuhud, Kanza Nabila Syuhud, Rozana Zunaira Syuhud, Ahmad Shahin Sarfaroz Syuhud.
Family is the first and foremost priority not only in the context of livelihood, but also includes education, guidance and time priorities.
In the context of social contribution, family is the first and foremost duty that the sharia enjoins on a Muslim after himself as explicitly stated in QS At-Tahrim 66:6 “O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones.” The next task is external da’wah as mentioned in QS Ali Imran 3:104 “Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity.”
Da’wah should be carried out gently so that it can attract the sympathy of the person being preached to as stated in QS An-Nahl 16:125 “Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. ”
[1] And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colours: verily in that are Signs for those who know.
[2] O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you.
[3] If God had so willed, He would have made you a single people, but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to God; it is He that will show you the truth of the matters in which ye dispute.
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