Blogger Indonesia of the Week (76): Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
Blogger Indonesia of the Week (76): Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
Blogger Indonesia of the Week #76 To encourage new bloggers to be more active in posting their potentially precious thoughts, I wrote a blogging tip here that writing a paragraph-long posting is just as good as the longer one provided it covers the main idea you want to convey in that brief piece. Previously, I reviewed a blog belong to Alaya Setya who loves making a brief posting. Another case in point is a blog run by a techno geek Willy Sudiarto Raharjo who, like Alaya Setya, seems to like brief posting–one or two paragraphs each post–and yet he makes his point clear from the very first sentence of every post. This is important, if you intend to make a brief post, make to the point of whatever you want to say, to make your message get accross to the intended audience, indeed to all readers of your blog.
The tendency of brief-posting is actually in-vogue among some seasoned bloggers in other parts of the world. Insta Pundit, the so-called the grand dad of American political bloggers, can be included in this category.
Willy seems to understand well, that most of his readers who come to his blog are a blog walker who doesn’t have too much time to read your “in-depth analysis.” They just want an instant and latest information they think can be found in his blog. Unless the readers is one of your most die-hard fans, they just want a brief and informative post. And he is up to that expectation.
As I mentined in another post, brief post doesn’t necessarily mean a lack of words–or a lack of information gathered. It’s just intended to be so. Wise people will always put thing in appropriate time and condition. Blogging for some is a place to convey the main idea, not the nitty-gritty. That’s being said, we should not forget to appreciate those who sweat making a long comprehensive and thorough writing in their blog. The point is being flexible and not sticking to one’s own rule and standard in judging others is the best, so far as blogging goes. Every one has his own standard and priorities where to write what.
Willy is one of those who have a different “rule” as far as writing in various media. In blog, he just wants to make it as brief as it can get; he sets his own rule. In conventional publication, however, he just knows exactly what to do.