Budi Sutomo, VCO and Book
Budi Sutomo, VCO and Book
My apology to Budi Sutomo, SPd for being late congratulating him upon his book publication on VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil). Nothing special about book publishing, except that he’s got that opportunity by way of his blog. And for that, he urges everybody to blog actively no matter what. Someday, sooner or later, fortune favors the braves (and the resilients).
Here’s the excerpt of his fairy tale:
Awal bulan April, 2006, saya posting tentang Informasi Lengkap Virgin Coconut Oil, posting saya di blogger ternyata di baca oleh Yuni Harlinawati, salah satu editor buku yang bekerja di penerbitan Puspa Swara. Sodara Yuni tertarik tentang tema VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) yang saya tulis. Komunikasipun terjalin, pihak Puspa Swara berminat menerbitkan buku tentang VCO namun dari sisi yang berbeda karena buku tentang VCO sudah banyak [Read more in Indonesian…]
On early April, 2006, I posted a Complete Information of Virgin Coconut Oil. My post in my blog happened to be read by Yuni Harlinawati, one of book editors works with Puspa Swara publishing house. Yuni was interested with the VCO or Virgin Coconut Oil I’ve written. After several correspondece, Puspa Swara intend to publish a book about VCO with different angle which might attract readers.
So after the publication, he’s also interviewed by BBC Indonesian Section who reviews his book.
Congratulations to Budi Sutomo, may other bloggers got as lucky as he’s in the future. Keep blogging!