Blogger Indonesia of the Week (8): Isnaini
My pick this week is a Blogger Indonesia from Yogyakarta or Jogjakarta. His name as also used as his blog’s is Isnaini. He’s a professional web-designer and he did, does and is doing many web-designing project for major companies like TVRI JOGJA (state owned television), KALSEL.GO.ID (state provincial office of South Kalimantan), etc.
Blogger Indonesia of the Week (8): Isnaini
Fortunately, his web-designing skills is not only his job; it’s also his passion. So much so, that he’s make so many templates/skins for bloggers who intend to make a blog in or top domain blog. So many blogger templates he creates passionately, that sometimes he can create more than one design in a day. and more fortunate for us that all his blog template creations are distributed for free for all of us to use.
his template art mainly influenced by javanese culture like Wayang (puppet) which is still famously prevail in central java, a region where he resides.
As far as I know, he used to blogs in Bahasa Indonesia. but he seems to change his mind, and now he blogs in English, which is good for broader audience and to introduce and promote the art of web-designing skill which is typically Indonesian to the world. I’d like to recommend him, in case he doesnt know yet, to sign-up in Blogskins where he can directly promote all his blog-template creations to more focus audience: the community of template creators. Finally, I wish him a best of luck and more prolifics and appreciations of his works in years to come.
NOTE: If you’re an Indonesian and blog in English, or have a friend or friends with such criteria, please let me know
28 thoughts on “Blogger Indonesia of the Week (8): Isnaini”
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salah satu master web di indonesia adalah mas isnaini :)
I like Mas Isnaini.. is where my learning
sukses trus mas isnaini blognya ^_^
Blogwalking nih om…nice article about isnaini.
dah buat mas isnani …
Isnaini emg hebat
Isnaini is one great blogger. His design is very welknown. I like his borobudur template blogspot.
Wah Mantep infonya.. Moga2 Bisa spt juragan Isnaini.. n lebih… ;)
Isnaini from Yogyakarta?? i no think his statement
“Ahmad Isnaini, lahir dan besar di sebuah kota kecil di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) yaitu Sumbawa, menyelesaikan sekolah menengah atas di Bima, yang selalu saya akui sebagai asal saya, karena kedua orang tua tercinta berasal dari Bima dan sampai saat ini masih berada disebuah desa kecil bernama Ngali.”
Cuplikan from about on
nupang tenar kang…:)
good mas fatih………
benar-benar mantep memang kang isnaini,,,,webnya mantep, ringan dan enak di kunjungi….saLuuuttt deh buat kang isnaini ini
benarkan adaLah Multiple Search Engine Popular
belom punya anak….
kemaren abis ngisi di jec
Template wayang n borobudurnya sangat bagus.
Yes, I think mas isnaini is a great blogger like you :)
He is very good at design and it’s make his blog is looked beautiful
mas Fatih, apakah sudah masuk daftar BOW? dari jogjakarta jugak,kebetulan teman ngobrolnya mas isnaini. Kita sering ngumpul di tiap Jumat malam di acara
Jika belum, semoga informasinya membantu mas Fatih..
# paijo
bisa gawat kalau dibantu klik ampe 100X tuh…
# Mr Fatih
Sip, mas banyak sekali bahan bacaan bermutu disini, gpp kan sering baca ?
Kalo nge-klik adsense ampe 100x bukannya malah di-ban, ama Google :)
gak usah. anda baca artikel di sini saja udah lebih dari cukup. :)
mas tak bantuin ngeklik adsennya 100x ya??? biar homornya gedheee and makin kayaa :) okeyyy
mas isnaini is one of my favorite indonesian bloggers
Mas Isnaini is one of example blogger that want to strive at internet marketing
Good information
very interesting, but I don’t agree with you