Al-Khoirot Institute of Islamic Studies, Malang, ID. WA: 0822-2667-4747


Blogger Indonesia of the Week (86): Agni Amorita

Blogger Indonesia of the Week (86): Agni Amorita

When I was looking for a blog post on Hari Raya Idul Fitri 2008/1429, I found an interesting article on mudik tradition written by Agni Amorita aka Mbak Rita thus:

If I were a linguist, I will put mudik (going home) as the newest entry for the encarta dictionary. I mean, mudik is going to be a hot new international term.. Because the mudik phenomenon here is so powerful, and big and heartbreaking… this term, mudik, will be suitably needed to explain as a nationally special exodus from big cities once a year, no matter how hard the obstacle is.

The above quote on one article among many pieces written in her blog should be enough to symbolise her “eagle-eyed” observation on a particular phenomenon and her ability to describe it in a passionate way.

Her passion, mind you, is not only on telling story and making a sort of analysis on something. She has the passion on photography as well. Her regular trips to many parts of the country should motivate her passion on photography even further.

Agni Amorita likes to call herself as Mbak Rita. Mbak in Javanese stands for Sister as Mbak Rita explains:

Mbak is a javanese word for “Sis”. It is a common thing in Indonesia to address a woman with it before her firstname/nickname to show a more friendly gesture.

Aside from blogging activities, she is actually a professional script-writer and a seasoned reporter.

Blogging passionately like what Mbak Rita seems to enjoy doing is what will make blogging activities survive the biggest obstacle: boredomity and lack of passion.[]

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