Al-Khoirot Institute of Islamic Studies, Malang, ID. WA: 0822-2667-4747


Blogger Indonesia of the Week (90): Kurniadi Widodo

Blogger Indonesia of the Week (90): Kurniadi Widodo

“A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety. ~Ansel Adams”

I always have a camera since my teenage years from various brands. Just to tell you, first of all, that I like photography (meaning, taking pictures). But, as some say, “Buying a Nikon doesn’t make you a photographer. It makes you a Nikon owner.” This quote reminds us of the fact that while everybody can buy a camera, only a few people can have it and “feels” it with passion to the extent of passion like a techno geek does to his/her computer.

As a “camera owner” sometimes I wonder and regret why I left the camera at home when I see something worths thousands pictures during my journey to a certain places. I think that’s one of many differences between me, and someone like me, as a camera owner and the real photographer. The passion with the camera, as the tools the take a snapshot of a mosaic of the universe. And comes with it is the sensitivity. The sense of what picture is “important” and worth taking and what’s not. Photographer is like a reporter who has the sense and “smells” and can differentiate between what the big news and ordinary one.

Kurniadi Widodo, who describes himself as “a professional procrastinator” is one of those photographer who has the sense of photography. Unlike you and me, the camera owners.

As a simple camera owner, I don’t have enough authority to comment on interesting pictures he took and put into his blog. So, whether you’re a photographer yourself or just a photography fan, I’ll let you to comment yourself on Kurniadi’s works by visiting his blog.

79 thoughts on “Blogger Indonesia of the Week (90): Kurniadi Widodo

  1. I like photography LoL. We can save the moment on a piece of file or paper and it lasts longer. cool. may be I would to more after knowing this blogger. Thanks om fatih for posting this.

  2. bung kurnia selamat, ditengah dunia yang karya warna foto hitam putih bagi saya tetap yang terbaik.

    dan street photographynya

    membuat kita terus membumi

    foto anda melukis prambanan, foto yang saya sukai dari seri 090321

  3. go mang kurniadi…semoga dapat jadi blogger yang bisa di banggakan banyak blogger amateur kaya saya :D

  4. Emang blognya mas Fatih sangat menginspirasiku, yang pasti udah tak link. Untuk link baliknya saya tidak memaksa kalo di link back sih thanks a lot :)salam blogger indonesia.

  5. foto blog nya keren tuh…..
    salud dah…..
    teruslah bkarya Kurniadi Widodo

    lapor mas… banner Blog Indonesia dah tak pasang di blog saya tuh…. trims kalau sudi berkunjung…

  6. You make some very cogent points and the photography is wonderful. You’re right; art is much more about the way you see and interpret the world than the tools you use.

  7. Kalo sudah mahir, memfoto nya, baru beli nixon. Emang seh nixon keren. Walo saya gak punya n ga bisa photographi. Tp saya pernah belajar dikit. Thanks

  8. saya tidak begitu paham dengan bahasa inggris maklum wong deso, memangnya tidak ada yang pake bahasa indonesia

    nb:saya telah menaruh link anda di blog ( saya jadi tolong kita saling bertukar link



  9. wow…photography is always make interest, since i don’t have skill to make a good picture, so i became watchers… congratz to Mr. Kurnia Widodo for become blogger of the week…

  10. Mas Fatih, thank you for featuring my blog. Photoblogs or blogs about photography are few and far between in Indonesian blogosphere so I really appreciate the exposure. :)

    Oh, and you don’t need any authority whatsoever to comment on my blog. Feel free to speak about the things in the pictures rather than the pictures themselves. I may speak differently with most bloggers (that is, I ‘speak’ through photographs), but in the end it’s still a reflection of life seen through an author’s eyes. I guess that much we can relate to.

    Cheers from Jogja!

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