Al-Khoirot Institute of Islamic Studies, Malang, ID. WA: 0822-2667-4747


Blogger Indonesia of the Week (30): Enda Nasution


Blogger Indonesia of the Week (30): Enda Nasution

As I said earlier on, the salient feature of a person with leadership capacity and instinct is he/she would think of others as much as he/she thinks of him/herself. That’s why, the leaders always emerge in their own way in critical situation. They are not necessarily the best skillful person in the field, unlike a manager, yet they’re certainly the most caring and not rarely the most honest towards others who need help.

During the Tsunami catastrophe last couple of years, every persons with leadership instinct within their hearts in Indonesia did what the best they can do to help their brothers and sisters who were in a very critical conditions depriving of their home, properties and even their souls. Many individuals around the world listen to the call and give their heart out to the outcry of suffering the Acehnese has been under.

The most towering figures in the line are two former president of USA Bill Clinton and George Bush Sr. who’re so much involved in those crisis.In Indonesia, for the first time –as far as I can recalled– all Indonesian (pribumis and Chinese-Indonesian) came in unison to offer help and some even went to the ground zero in Aceh themselves.From blogger Indonesia community, it’s Enda Nasution who initiates the Indonesia Help blog in which he gives necessary information and news relating to Tsunami, its victim and addresses of important fund-raiser organisations like red cross (PMI – Palang Merah Indonesia in local acronym) and others which turns out to be very beneficial.

4 thoughts on “Blogger Indonesia of the Week (30): Enda Nasution

  1. Enda Is a Great Person…

    I like the way He write… :)

    He Seems so warm… Humble and Generous…
    Emh.. I think I will learn alot from him… :)

    I Like Him… Thanx alot mas Fatih,
    Because your article I find alot new Things to learn.. :)

    My best Regard

    Pulsa Murah

  2. Enda Is a Great Person…

    I like the way He write… :)

    He Seems so warm… Humble and Generous…
    Emh.. I think I will learn alot from him… :)

    I Like Him… Thanx alot mas Fatih,
    Because your article I find alot new Things to learn.. :)

    My best Regard

    Pulsa Murah

  3. wow….

    this is really an intresting article….
    It Help me Alot… :)

    Thanx Alot…
    May Allah Repay All o Ur kindness… :)

    Oiya… mas fatih.. May I ask something?

    do promoting our website have the same way like promoting blog?

    and, I have already tried to put your link in my frontpage of web…
    but i add another photos…
    are you still to give me your love link?

    If I’m doing wrong, please told me how to fix it :)

    thanx alot… :)

    My best regards

    #dont worry. as far as my link is in the frontpage of your blog/site, you’ll get a lovelink here.

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