Al-Khoirot Institute of Islamic Studies, Malang, ID. WA: 0822-2667-4747


Blogger Indonesia of the Week (59): Harry Sufehmi

Blogger Indonesia of the Week (59): Harry SufehmiThe beauty or being human, compared to animal, is that we always want to do more. For the better or the worst. So, we see this world grows, develops, progresses and at the same time deteriorates. The invention and the amazing findings in various sphere of lifes, especially in science, has benefitted humanity as much as it create destruction. See the result of atomic now nuclear bomb which devastated, nay annihilated, two beautiful cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima along with hundreds of thousands of their population.

But world is not only occupied by the evils. The angels are also here to stay. And these two contradictory things are the permanent resident of the earth, of community, and of individual. Pessimism and optimism, selfish and altruist, coward and brave-heart, etc. At times we make mistakes and then regret it. Every now and then we do a good thing only to find we are no more than villain another day. Again, that is the beauty of being human who always wants to do more, and fortunately in most cases, for the better of our individuality and/or for our community, nation and to some extend, humanity

The seeking after the truth might differ from person to person which depends much on what field you are interested in. And as an IT programmer with very high qualification, Harry Sufehmi, has his own way as to how he finds his “angel” within himself. It’s important to note though that the so-called “truth” should not be confined as belong to one particular community. Truth is everywhere for you to find. As far as it’d make you the better person, so be it. And that’s what really matters. As the great Chinese leader Deng Ziao Peng, once said, “It’s not important what color of the cat is as far it can catch the mouse.” I purposely emphasize this word to avoid some misunderstanding on this very sensitive “truth-claim” issue as the readers of this page is not only from one faith.

When you feel you’ve found the truth you’re looking for and stick to it with its entirety the first phase of your self-reformed process has just begun. And from that point, as mentioned above, you’d be eager to do more for the benefit of others outside your surrounding in accordance with your skill and capability. And that’s what Harry Sufehim is exactly doing.

Just to mention a few, in the blogosphere for example, he’s just founded an IndonesiaUpdate.Org last month, the purpose of which according to him is to make Indonesian voices heard louder to the world. The content of this blog actually aggregated from Indonesian sons and daughters blog in which I also contribute. The salient feature of Indonesia Update is all contributors should use their true identity; no anonymity is alowed. Something that I fully and strongly support all along for many reasons. I also would like to urge all Indonesian blogger with sufficient proficiency in English–not necessarily perfect, of course– to contribute to it or at least giving some feedback.

There are many “angel things” Harry Sufehmi has done and is doing like creating bloglines like aggregator called Aggregator @ groups. or. id, contributing to metroblogging to highlight Jakarta life the Indonesian way and many other stuffs you’d know it by regularly visiting his bilingual blog.

If many of us Indonesians, as individuals, are as eager as Harry Sufehmi to contribute more to this country with our own respective skills instead of asking more, Indonesia will look much better. It’s not about how much or less we contribute. It’s about the mindset of being a giver rather than a beggar.

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