Al-Khoirot Institute of Islamic Studies, Malang, ID. WA: 0822-2667-4747


Blogger Indonesia of the Week (77): Anita Carmencita

Anita Carmencita McCay as Blogger Indonesia of the Week #77 Some Indonesians still cannot accept the reality of a few Indonesian who stay abroad after they had done their study in order to get a better job or for some other reasons such as marriage . The former think the reluctant to go back to their home country on the part of the latter as a sign of unpatriotic and opportunistic attitude. In several of my postings, I defended the latter wholeheartedly, saying not only did they at times are more patriotic than the former, their stay abroad are sometimes needed even for the so-called “patriotic” reasons. The brain drain it may cause, as some Indonesian expert worry about does not in any way make sense to say the least.

I gave an example when I reviewed a blogger Indonesia named Carlos Patriawan, a techno-geek who stays in Sillicon Valley (SV) in which I quoted a former Indonesian diplomat piece appeared in the Jakarta Post on Indian diaspora thus:

The concept of the “brain-drain” is history, and Indians are now talking about “brain gain”. Two million Indians who reside in the U.S., including 35,000 graduates of the famed IIT, earned $60,000 per person a year, nearly as much as Japanese who reside in the U.S. make. The amount that is earned by the Indian diaspora is far above the U.S. median income of $35,000.

…Many have returned to Bangalore, Mumbai or Delhi to establish enterprises or teach in the new India.

The love of one’s country where one belongs will never dissipate just because of geographical barrier. It’s even more true now, in the internet era, where geographical barrier no longer plays a significant role to change one’s heart. Anita Carmencita, a blogger Indonesia who stays in Scotland, for example, is a vivid example on how she watch the dynamics in her home-country very closely, as a sign of attachment. In one of her post, she highlighted the recent hype between Indonesia and Malaysia on issue which now become classic–Malaysia tendency to steal whatever stuffs that can be taken away from Indonesia–island, culture, you name it, a country whose bureaucrats are also busy themselves stealing their own country’s wealth:

Not long ago Rasa Sayange song has sparked a rift between Indonesia and Malaysia because the song is believed to be created by Indonesian (hence, belongs to Indonesia) but was used to promote Malaysian Tourism industry. Now Indonesians are upset again toward a new controversial issue.

This time, it’s the traditional dance from Ponorogo, a regency (kabupaten) in East Java, called Reog. The (similar) dance is featured in Malaysian Ministry of Cultural, Art & Heritage and is called Barongan Dance.

She concludes her post on how to avoid such incident ever take place again by saying:

One more thing: we should have a good, informative, culture and tourism official website. Just like what Malaysia (sadly) does.

I plan to write on this issue i.e. our government reluctant to be more active and energetic on foreign affairs and to tell some stories regarding some cases of Indonesian diplomats whose capability are mostly playing golf on Monday till Friday. But writing on this issue right now will be out of topics.

Speaking of Anita, I like her quote in the top sidebar of her blog:

…Two countries in one heart.

As if she implicitly wants to say that the second country cannot and will not erase the passion and love towards anything where one originally belongs. I agree. And as a matter of fact it’s true. If you never go abroad and have a shadow of doubt on this statement, just ask the expats who stay in Indonesia.

10 thoughts on “Blogger Indonesia of the Week (77): Anita Carmencita

  1. Pingback: About The Author
  2. right or wrong this is my country, but it is not bad to seek for a better living, and to know the foreign culture, and I am damn sure the combination of foreign (read: western) logic and eastern sense will result a way better human being, have a great week end everyone..cheers

  3. Hello, bang Fatih. I’m very touched. I never expect to be reviewed by anyone, let alone by one of the biggest, most respected bloggers in Indonesia! Thank you very much.

    Pleasure is mine. Keep it up Mbak Anita :)

  4. Sambil mengucapkan selamat buat mbak Anita yang manis, seksi dan seterusnya….. saya juga menyampaikan salut dan hormat saya kepada seluruh blogger Indonesia terutama bung Fatih Syuhud. Anda hebat bung!

    Terus terang, keberhasilan blogger sekelas mbak Anita apalagi bung Fatih Syuhud memicu saya sebagai blogger pemula untuk terus belajar tentang segala sesuatu mengenai dunia blogger ini.

    Ijinkan saya pada kesempatan ini juga memperkenalkan diri sebagai blogger pemula yang berjanji akan secara terus menerus menulis secara khusus tentang dunia Koperasi Kredit (Credit Union/CU) di Indonesia khususnya dan Dunia umumnya.

    Satu tujuan saya, agar kaum lemah dibantu oleh kaum berkempuan melalui wadah Credit Union.
    Hanya satu jalan keluar bagi kaum lemah di Indonesia, yakni, memperbaiki dan merubah sendiri kehidupannya.

    Hanya satu wadah yang peduli dengan perbaikan dan perubahan diri kaum lemah ini, yakni Credit Union.

    Mari kita dukung gerakan ekonomi kerakyatan yang sudah teruji oleh berbagai badai krisis ini.

    Sekali lagi… salam dan salut saya buat Bung Fatih Syuhud dan Mbak Anita.

    Majulah blogger Indonesiaku!
    Salam saya,
    Hiero – Medan Sumatera Utara.

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