Top Ten Blogger Indonesia of the Year 2006
Top Ten Blogger Indonesia of the Year 2006
It’s been almost two years eversince I introduced the Blogger Indonesia of the Week’s feature during which I have witnessed the fast-growing English-speaking blogs by Indonesian blogger, a prerequisite eligibility to be reviewed.
Interesting to note here that in early stage I started this feature, it’s been so hard to find any good English-speaking Indonesian blog. So much so that I needed to blogwalk from blog to blog to find one or two links into another good blog.
One year after, however, I saw the turnaround: I’ve been facing difficulty, sometimes dilemma, to prioritize which good blogs I should review–and promote–first! In no way it suggests that other English-speaking Indonesian blog that has not been reviewed is not good. That’s terribly wrong assumption. There are a lot more blogs and bloggers outthere that sometimes even got a better content than the ones I reviewed. If you’re one of them, be rest assured that your blog has been in my list, or I might not yet know it. And for that, my apology.
In this year-end of 2006, I personally, as this blog does not represent anyone but myself, would like to acknowledge those Indonesian bloggers who have contributed, one way or another, to the fast growing Indonesia blogosphere. Every acknowledgement has its own limitation which may not satisfy everyone. This acknowledgement is not an exception. And for the sake of clarity, some criteria has been put in place as to why I pick them as my top ten blogger 2006.
1. Blogger or blog that was picked as Blogger Indonesia of the Week in the past. In another word, Indonesian-speaking blog–however good it might be– will not be included.(I honestly hope that there might be a blogger who is willing to spare his/her time once a week to review Indonesian-speaking blog).
2. Blogger or blog that has sort of influence and contribution in his/its own way in promoting and hence contributing to the growth of Indonesian blogosphere.
3. Blogger i.e. personality behind the blog, who shows a sort of leadership attitude on and off the blog; those who unite Indonesian bloggers into one force instead of dividing them, who are able to see the bigger picture instead of the nitty-gritty thingy and end up with messing up everything. “On the blog” means his or her blogging activities influences other people to do the same and/or enlightening Indonesian or non-Indonesian to understand more about Indonesia: culture, faith, tradition, etc. “Off the blog” stands for similar meaning, only it connotes to outside blogging activities. One more thing, the number is not necessarily in particular order.
Top Ten Blogger Indonesia Year 2006
1. Jennie S. Bev: The Most Prolific Indonesian Writer.
She’s the pride of Indonesian, including me. If Indonesian, any Indonesian, were to succeed in achieving what they want to achieve, watch her footstep. Fortunately she’s eagerly willing to share all her experience and her way to climb the ladder of success either as a prolific writer or as a reformed personality in her blog and book.
2. Budi Putra: The Indonesian Journalist
The first Indonesian journalist who has strong determination to utilise his position in the conventional media Tempo Magazine and Tempo Newspaper to introduce and promote blog and blogging culture. Majalah TEMPO, the most prominent and influential Indonesian magazine, is the first magazine that made an extensive report on blog and Indonesian blogosphere and blogging culture.
3. R.M.: Founder
If I were to pick who is the kindest, humblest and most honest person I ever know “personally” during my blogging activity, he’s obviously my first choice. His contribution to Indonesian blogosphere is felt by every blogger, new and old. His blog aggregator, the first of its kind, enable the newest blogger to have traffic flow to his/her blog. Just in case you read this, R.M., please remember that should never die. I’d be the first person to extend the helping hand just in case it’s needed.
4. Ronny Haryanto: Planet Terasi (Blog Aggregator) Founder, a blog aggregator Ronny founded and maintain is the oldest. Previously it’s for aggregating IT-related blog, but now it’s also selecting non-IT related blogs, including mine. Any first iniative should be remembered and appreciated.
5. Agusti Anwar: The Indonesian Diplomat-Blogger
Indonesian diplomat who blog is not many. Agusti Anwar is one of them. He’s not only updating his two blogs relatively regularly, but is also engaging actively in Indonesia blogosphere community. I think, he might consider to urge other diplomat to blog as well.
6. Enda Nasution: The father-figure of Indonesian blogger
He’s the most deservedly Indonesian blogger to be called as Bapak Blogger Indonesia (the Father of Indonesian blogger). Simply because he’s played like one in helping new blogger by giving blog- or post-link, sometimes comment, to newbie blogger; taking time to visit them, etc. A kind of brotherly attitude that not many of us is capable of doing.
7. Yosef Ardi: The Indonesian Journalist most active blogger.
He should be on the first list of top ten blogger in Majalah TEMPO. And should be on the top list of such feature in any other Indonesia conventional media in the future. He makes a lot of effort to write a very good and informative content in his blog and should be highly appreciated accordingly.
8. Juwono Sudarsono The first Indonesian Minister Blogger
His sheer presence in Indonesian blogosphere opens a new vista among the elite circles of Indonesian bureaucracy to do the same or at least looking at the blogging culture in different mindset. If the Defense Minister, one of the most powerful and sensitive portfolio if not the most, is writing passionately in his blog, why others should not?
9. Isnaini: The most prolific blogger-template designer
Prolific and is highly appreciated by blogger / blogspot community beyond Indonesia for his elegant and creative design. Indonesian should be thankful for his relentless and tireless effort.
10. Maverick Indonesia: The first corporate blog
My friend, Ong Hock Chuan, is the founder of the blog, calls it the Corporate Blog. It’s written collaboratively by all guys in Maverick, a media and PR consultant. I wonder how Ong still has time to blog in between his must-be hectic activities. A good example for any other Indonesian entrepreneurs to learn to get rid of the “I am very busy” culture.
To every blogger in Indonesia and around the world, Happy New Year 2007, wishing you all a better blogging in years to come! Dan selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha bagi umat Islam di Tanah Air dan di manapun berada.[]
31 thoughts on “Top Ten Blogger Indonesia of the Year 2006”
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Harus nya ada juga url blog ny bos yang bagus sperti apa,jdi kita bisa belajar dari sana
Article anda sangat menarik dan bisa buat motivasi untuk para blogger untuk menjadi no satu
I am happy to know the top ten blogger in Indonesia at 2007, how about now 2010
Thanks for the article mr suhud.
wah….punya sy ko’ gak ada ya…hahaha…(salam kenal Pak..)
Thanks for the post, i enjoyed reading it. blogging is not as easy as many think it is, it’s hardwork. any how thanks.
keren mas fatih!!!!
Tunggu giliran! Apa bisa blog ku belum 1 bulan usianya!
wah blog gua gak masuk….hehehe.. lol
The beginning :
Being here still in my dream, but it’s always my obsession, I hope someday will fulfill.
nice post, thanx.
nice info.. kapan yah gw masuk ke jajaran itu..:))
good points and overally very good post
unik, sebagian besar blogger yang sukses dalam artikel anda malahan hanya seorang penulis (yupz, blog memang dibuat untuk menulis toh), sebelumnya saya selalu berpikir blog yang hebat itu hanya bisa dibuat oleh para “HTML master” mungkin ada satu nyelip yaitu “mas isnaini” di urutan 9 malah..sisanya seperti blog pak juwono sudarsono tentunya lebih sederhana dan hanya mengandalkan keahliannya memainkan kata-kata dan menyusun cerita (atau pendapat) orisinal untuk menarik minat pengunjung..hal ini justru semakin membuktikan bahwa “content is the king !”, (ditengah maraknya anggapan membuat blog (untuk uang) hanya bermodal teknik SEO dan cukup content copy paste..salut !
so u r not on the list? u must be there :)
the great blog
it is great list, when i will be included in the list like this :) congrats Mr. Fatih
nice work, let’s make indonesia to be great country
good site mr fatih, the proud of indonesian :)
Great to see you blogging in English so that I can enjoy this blog.
as the top blog they are informative,inspirative,intuitive and royal.
It is nice list for Indonesian people, hope it inpired a lot of people to do the same and be on the list next year :)
Finally i’ve found this inspirative blog again, after the long time ago i’ve found your blogspot blogger, this is the great blog with many information on it.
great stuff.
Mr. Fatih, Thanks for the list and many download links at your Indonesian blog. So I can learn from them. Could you list top ten international blogger? just kidding
Haloo teman2,.. untuk meningkatkan kunjungan atas BLOG or WEBSITE anda, gunakan IKLAN FREE yg tanpa dibatasi pemasangan iklan & banyak FREE SEO ( GRATIS ) cukup lengkap & baik yg mudah digunakan serta dapatkan TIP DATING ( KENCAN ), TIP Bisnis, Health di alamat website :
Hello Fatih. What happen with your blogger blog? I hope find something that made your blog ill.
@Dunia Fana: Gak usah repot2. Komentar bisa pake bahasa apa saja kok. Bahasa Inggris boleh juga. :)
@Disa Ayoe: Gimana kabarnya Disa Ayoe? Dah kelar kulnya?
Finally you own your personal site Cak..
Kangen Mas Fatih…
ISH Room 44.
I’m not fluently in English, can I post although my grammar is crowded ?
I’m using software to translate from Indonesia become English. Can I do that ?
Aries Purwantoro