Al-Khoirot Institute of Islamic Studies, Malang, ID. WA: 0822-2667-4747


Writing a Book

Buku Fatih Syuhud

Update January 29, 2024

Semua buku karya A. Fatih Syuhud yang versi digital dapat dibeli di Google Play atau Google Books. Klik di sini!

12 Years after writing this post, here’s all my books I have written so far. All books are available in Google Books, Google Play Stor as well as in print edition.

Versi Digital Lokasi Pembelian Versi Cetak



Judul Buku



Google Play Store Google Books Payhip (pdf)  
1 Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah  








2 Islam dan Politik: Sistem Khilafah dan Realitas Dunia Islam  















3. Hukum Waris Islam: Cara Mudah Belajar Ilmu Faraidh  










4 Doa, Dzikir dan Sholawat Al-Khoirot  










5. Pendidikan Islam: Cara mendidik Anak Saleh, Smart dan Pekerja Keras  















6. Menuju Kebangkitan Islam dengan Pendidikan  










7. Keluarga Sakinah: Cara membina rumah tangga harmonis, bahagia dan berkualitas  




















8. Merajut Rumah Tangga Bahagia 20.000 Link Link Link 30.000
9. Meneladani Akhlak Rasul dan Para Sahabat  










10 Pribadi Akhlakul Karimah (Akhlak Mulia)  










11 Wanita Salihah, Wanita Modern 15.000 Link  



Link 20.000
12 Percakapan Bahasa Arab  










13 Belajar Bahasa Arab Modern bagi Pemula  










14 Dasar-dasar Jurnalistik: Cara mudah menulis, membuat buletin, majalah dan mading  















15 Terjemah Matan Ajurumiyah  















  1. Pembelian versi digital dapat dilakukan melalui link-link di atas.
  2. Pembelian versi digital dapat juga dilakukan secara langsung ke penerbit. Silahkan pesan via WA ke: 0815-5325-6855
  3. Pembelian versi cetak dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara:
    1. Melalui toko buku Toga Mas untuk kawasan Jawa Timur dan Yogyakarta (harga sedikit lebih mahal).
    2. Langsung ke penerbit. Silahkan pesan via WA ke: 0815-5325-6855


A few weeks back a friend works in Indonesia Embassy (KBRI) New Delhi called me telling me that there’s a parcel from someone named Jennie S. Bev. Another friend of mine who happened to be there at that time brought it for me. It’s a Bahasa Indonesia book entitled Rahasia Sukses Terbesar to which I give my forward to. As I wrote here, Jennie S. Bev is arguably the most prolific contemporary Indonesian writers.

When I opened the book the first time, I feel surprised and at the same time so honored to know that it’s my forword that has been trusted to appear in its entirety in her book. Just for the record it’s not only me who’ve been requested by Jennie to make introductory remark. I think it’s her unique way to remind me that “here’s your foreword in my book, let me give my forword in your book” kind of thing. In other word, time is rife for me to write a book. Yet I still have an accuse to myself: I’ll start it when I were at home in a few months time. Hopefully, I won’t find another accuse once I get there. :)

In any case, thanks a lot to Jennie S. Bev for your trust in me. And for everyone who wants to buy the book, it’s available now in bookstand in your nearest place all over Indonesia. On the content of the book itself, if my friends response –all of them read it in a day– are to be used as barometer, I’d predict it’ll be a best-seller book as far as it’s got good support from the distribution front.

Writing a book is a standard “value” of being “expert.” Anyone should refuse to be called expert unless he/she writes a book on the matter. Unfortunately, it’s not the case in Indonesia. In some cases, some the so-called expert actually never have any book or published article in some respected international publication.

I forget to tell that so far I’ve received three offers from publishers to write a book, one in English and the other two in Bahasa Indonesia. I hope I can keep my promise to them sooner rather than later.

Update 2008

After I come back to Indonesia, I’ve published two books this year.

Update 2009

I published another book titled Wanita Modern, Wainta Salihah.

My Foreword on Jennie S. Bev Book

Foreword on Jennie S. Bev BookA few weeks back, my friend Jennie S. Bev emailed me requesting me to write a foreword for her upcoming Bahasa Indonesia book Rahasia Sukses Terbesar (The Greatest Secrets of Success). A self-motivation book which is very interesting and impressive. The strong point of the book is it’s chiefly based on her own struggle and self-reform, so to speak, on how she achieves what she is now. For little intro about her see my post on Jennie as my Blogger of the Week.

Through reading the draft of her book, I was so impressed with her way of transforming herself. I feel as though I see my own personal struggle there only with a big differences: while she has gained and achieved so much; I achieve so less. Nevertheless, her book is a must for those who wants to see their personality improved.

Speaking of my intro, I’m a bit surprised to know through her email’s response that she’s so impressed with the foreword I gave. And I feel surprised even more that she also said it in her blog:

My beloved friend A. Fatih Syuhud, who is an Islamic scholar based in New Delhi, India, wrote the foreword, which is truly touching and sincere. (Thanks, Fatih, without your words this book might not have been as beautiful.)

Thanks Jennie for giving me a little role in your good book and your generous intention behind it. I hope it’ll be read by many Indonesian youth. Just for record, all revenue of the book which is supposed to be received by Jennie will be given away to charity for the needy Indonesian. Something everybody should try to emulate. [Aug 16, 2006]

Books and Celebrities

Another Side of Shakhrukh Khan, the King of Bollywood

According to The Times of India (TOI), the largest English selling newspaper in India, SRK is a pure bookworm. He just loves reading any kind of books, fiction and non-fiction. He has a vast collection of books he bought whenever he travel. His personal library will make any other bookworms envious. Considering huge money he accumulate from his ever box office movies, that’s understandable.

One might suspect that his love of collecting books is just for the sake of collecting and prestiges without any concern to read them. The assumption, if the TOI journalist who interviewed him to be believed, is wrong. During the interview, he eloquently quote some thought and ideas he took from some books.

Well, I think some Indonesian celebrities needs to have a look at SRK to get some inspiration. Being beautiful and handsome plus extravagant life-style might be the requirement of being a celebrity, so to speak. But brainy and insightful celebrities certainly have a more sustainable beauty and, ofcourse, wider following.

Are You Internet Addict?

Gunung Semeru East Java Indonesia A survey conducted by Standford University recently on internet users in the US gives an interesting finding: ” more than one of every eight US residents showed at least one sign of “problematic internet use”. The typical internet addict was a single, college-educated, white male in his 30s.

How did the survey defines someone as addicted to internet or not? The answer could be used for all of us, outside US, as well. So, you, accordign to the survey, are considered as an internet addict if you meet (one or most of) the following criteria:

1. If you hide your internet surfing activity from others;
2. If you go online to cure foul moods in ways that mirrored the way alcoholics use booze or drugs in other words you are using the internet to self-medicate;
3. If you spend approximately 30 hours a week or ie. more than four hours a day on non-essential computer use;
4. If you feel hard to abstain from internet use for several days;
5. If you feel compulsive checking of your e-mail and chat rooms, as well as habitually checking out web pages.

If the above points are used as criteria to differentiate between internet addiction and not, well, I think many rigorous blogger will fall to the category of internet addict. Can a blogger abstain from opening their blog in a day? Well, I don’t think so.

The term addict and addiction mean that you are physically or mentally unfit. So, you need a clinic therapy or –just like a drug addict– a rehabilitation. And mind you Beijing, China has already got one medical therapy for it.

Top Five Blog Indonesia in Kompas Media

top blog di harian kompasI wrote an acknowledgement post on the introduction of Blogger of the Week by Tempo Media which came up only a couple of times, then after a long pause of the program, Tempo through its online editor Budi Putra told me to restart the feature which I responded in another post, giving him another alternative on how to make it simple.

In which I offered him a clear alternative:

From my point of view, it would be much better if every week Tempo feature at least 10 Blog/Blogger Terbaik Pekan Ini or Top Ten Indonesia Blogs/Bloggers of the Week instead of Blogger of the Week. And the introduction for each blog featured could be much briefer, one para is enough.

Unfortunately, neither the Blogger of the Week nor Top Ten Blog of the Week seems to appear in Tempo online thus far. The reason is still unclear.

This morning, I am pleasantly surprised to see such feature, say, Top Five Blogger (of the Week?) feature. This time in KOMPAS, the largest Indonesian selling newspaper. Incidentally, this blog is among of them. I personally appreciate the KOMPAS’ initiative not only for including my blog as the feature, more than anything else because KOMPAS starts to acknowledge the power of Indonesian blogger in contributing to the national discourse which is so far dominated by conventional media and mailing lists.

It’s still not clear, however, whether such feature on daily or weekly or even monthly basis. There’s no explanation whatsoever. But by giving a link to the blogs featured, it’d be boosting other Indonesian to know blog, to start blogging him/herself and contributing to an already fast-growing blogging culture in the country.

To any other conventional media, there’s nothing wrong to be the second or the third to make similar feature in your online or print media, because the impact will be the same: you will be appreciated and your online traffic, I bet, will be raising in an unexpected way. Making top five or top ten blog feature in your online media needs no sweat; the result for you, however, worth a lot more than the effort. So, why taking so long?



5 thoughts on “Writing a Book

  1. wah..selamat ya udah terbitin bukunya, boleh tau gak gimana caranya supaya bisa diterima di publisher? ada alamat publishernya gak? sorry ya, soalnya aku pengen bgt nulis buku. thank’s ya atas sharingnya, saya tunggu ya jawabannya via email dan juga kunjungannya ke blogku. sukses selalu & lam kenal

  2. Lam kenal..Wah Blog ini infonya komplit banget makanya aku Link aza deh di blog-ku..mohon izin di linkback juga ya mas..thx full..

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