Billionaires who read many books
Recommended books by Billionaires
Warren Buffet:
- Business Adventures
- The Intelligent Investor
- The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
- The Outsiders
- Where are the Customer’s Yachts?
Dan Loeb:
- Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
- You Can Be a Stock Market Genius
- Financial Shenanigans
- The Art of Short Selling
- The Power of Story
Seth Klarman:
- The Intelligent Investor
- The Intelligent Investor
- You Can Be A Stock Market Genius
- Aggressive Conservative Investor
- Too Big to Fail
- Moneyball
He also recommends books by Jim Grants, Roger Lowenstein and Michael Lewis. Klarman is the author of Margin of Safety, a title you’ll see on a few of the lists in this answer.
Bill Ackman:
- Beating the Street
- Confidence Game
- The Essays of Warren Buffet
- Fooling Some People all of the Time
- The Intelligent Investor
- Margin of Safety
Warren Buffett spends 5-6 hours a day reading, often newspapers and financial documents.
Mark Zuckerberg tries to read a book a week “with an emphasis on learning about different cultures, beliefs, histories and technologies”.
Mark Cuban reads three hours every day, and he says that this worked wonders at the start of his career.
Bill Gates reads around 56 books a year (Which means a book a week ).
Warren Buffett, Oracle of Omaha, reads about 500 pages of materials a day.
Musk described himself, in a Bloomberg interview, as a “bookwormy” kid. Growing up, he would read as many as two books per day.
Charlie Munger said that his kids used to “think I’m a book with a couple of legs sticking out.”